Tuesday, 27 November 2012

"You're just as bad as..."...

...as what?

As the people who committed 9/11, 7/7, etc.

Yep. I was likened to people who make bombs and blow them up on busy subways or hijack planes into buildings!

Why was I likened to them, might you ask?

For the following posts:

"Agreed. I also think America deserved it for being the arrogant nation they are, invading and pillaging countries - no wonder these nations have organisations that are willing to bite back."

"You're on a forum with many who have misanthropic attitudes, what did you expect?

I too laughed when I saw the re run several years after, of the plane hitting the building. America deserved it. It only has itself to blame."


These two posts, simple in nature, ended up with the following:

 "I hope you never have to lose a loved one from circumstances similar to that. I bet you think the people of London or Madrid deserved it too right?

Your almost as bad as the people that commited those atrocity's."

To which I instantly replied:

"And I'm sure you think about all the ikle little children blown up by western bombs in the war preceeding it that actually was illegal. :roll: 

Typical naysayer who doesn't understand what goes around, comes around. UK were just as guilty when they joined in the war on the invisible boogeyman. Sad that people don't understand that when you piss people off that much, they will bite back. 

And saying I'm as bad as someone who physically blows themselves up? XD

That doesn't even make sense. 

You are on the internet. You are on this forum. Stay in the non-agressor parts of this forum if you don't want to have your feelings hurt over what people say on the internet. 

P.S. carry on being brainwashed by your media that there is a real threat to the West that wasn't the West's fault at all...keep believing every person that looks muslim like is a 'terrorist'....it'll be YOU who looks the paranoid one. Not those who can see why these things happen and why the media is pushed to keep the masses complicit to a lie...a scared nation is an easier one to control ;)"


So, lesson is, boys and girls; stop being so emotive over a decade old act of retaliation and use that brain you were born with to anoint logic and reason as to why these things happen. But I guess I am asking to much of the general public. After all. Their intelligence levels are quite atrocious. And yet they claim to be the smartest species on the planet? Pah! Make a reasoned debate without resorting to any fallacies and be vegan, then maybe, just maybe, I might consider you one of the elite few who has mastered the ability to use more than one brain cell at a time.

I will edit this blog post if I get any more replies to the last iteration I post above (as highlighted by the light grey).

Friday, 23 November 2012

The Reality of Thanksgiving.

You have all year and all your life to ‘give thanks’. The reality of the ‘history’ is not the fairy tale people have come to believe. It also means that genocide occurs for turkeys too. People should be educated on what these holidays are really about. It’s a shame USA has such a stark record of changing it’s history to suit it’s own agenda :(

I am glad we do not have this holiday in the UK. Enough turkeys suffer due to the Christmas holiday. In the USA they will suffer twice as much.

This image pretty much sums it up:

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

So....Obama Wins

So, after a hair raising night, Obama wins another 4 years in office.

Thank fuck for that.

Even though Obama isn't the greatest, the alternative would've been much, much worse.

After all, Romney would've ostracised women who seeked abortions by allowing states to choose their own abortion laws, and cutting funding to Planned Parenthood who help mothers make decisions and give advice and referrals. Then there is his anti-gay marriage stance. And his typical of conservatism attitude towards the poor - thinking they need no help or safety net whilst he helps his rich pals along (a bit like Cameron and the Tories in the UK). He also tied his dogs crate to the top of his car for a 12 hour trip! So he clearly is no friend of animals either.

Basically, unless you were well off and male, you would've gotten kicked in the proverbial nuts by Romney. I'm actually surprised the bigots got out-voted. Every time I see documentaries on the USA, the bigotry, racism, misogyny, speciesism etc is viral.

I also hope Obama does something about this ignorant view that people have a right to use guns on whatever or whomever they choose. I may be a misanthropist, but I think a human should be killed when they DESERVE it. Not for simply trying to break into a property un-armed. Admittedly, most humans deserve it for simply consuming animal products, but that must be the reason for death, not petty stealing. Hell, those crazy ass gun touters even shoot dead people who are just on the grass of their property, it's crazy! The American constitution was written in a by-gone age where weapons were not very powerful and were simply to defend oneself from a corrupt government. Today this is pointless as the government of the USA has WMDS, that will obliterate any resistance from the general public. So the right to bare arms is not a valid excuse for pointing a lethal weapon at an animal or human.

Can't think of any more so rant finished for now.

Sunday, 4 November 2012


I notice those with children can't handle the reality that those without do not like having to deal with the noise and nuisance they create. Nor do they realise that having children just means more mouths to feed and more to take take take from the planet. You want a child? Adopt, but by god, don't let it scream or run around like a loon near me, or will get told off if I'm in a very bad mood, or the parent will. We dog 'owners' have to keep our dogs under control in public spaces, the same should apply to children who can be just as unruly and get under foot and run out into traffic.

 Also, young mothers wonder why boys do a scarpa? Men mature later than women. Young mums have a higher chance of being single mums due to the immaturity of the partner. Fact of life. The best setting for a child is a couple who are either receiving one or two incomes - and they must be stable incomes. A child is expensive. Stop expecting the government to pay for your children. I don't get extra benefits because I have animals (who were actually in need of homes and not born by me to create surplus need), so why should one get benefits for continous breeding without a care for the effect on other people and animals and the planet? We are the most destructive species on this planet, and the most over populated in terms of predator prey relationships. We don't need more of us running around, creating a demand for cheap animal products and such like. We need to stop this over breeding. We spay and neuter animals who are ending up euthanised due to overpopulation, so why not ourselves? A choice is not a choice when it impedes on the rights of others.

 Afterthought: It's so sad that supposed adults throw their toys out of the pram when the facts of what is happening is shown to them (these people act more childish than their own children - I feel the children have no chance if this is what the parents behave like). If you don't like what I have to say, tough. Free speech bitches. I have to read your immature drivel on your statuses in the news feed, you can read my well punctuated, well spelled mature pro-active statuses that do little more than show one should treat the earth with respect and not abuse it, or the earthlings we share it with.

Friday, 2 November 2012


If you decided to breed into an already over populated world, please do us all a favour and keep your 'little darlings' under control. If you cannot, you should not have bred. I do not want to hear a screaming child in a supermarket or shop. Hell I do not want to hear them anywhere. Put a bloody dummy in it's mouth. I do not want children running at me or running around. That's what playgrounds and your own private property are for. Not doctor's waiting rooms, supermarkets, or streets. Put a leash on them if must be. I had when I was a toddler and it did me no damn harm. Lastly, if you do feel the need to add to the ever growing number of humans fighting over limited resources, at least be considerate and get the snip after number 1; number 2 is pushing it. If you want more, adopt. Plenty of orphanages full of children needing homes. That is all.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

I Saw a Jolly Hunter (Charles Causley)

I saw a jolly hunter With a jolly gun Walking in the country In the jolly sun. In the jolly meadow Sat a jolly hare. Saw the jolly hunter. Took jolly care. Hunter jolly eager - Sight of jolly prey. Forgot gun pointing Wrong jolly way. Jolly hunter jolly head Over heels gone. Jolly old safety-catch Not jolly on. Bang went the jolly gun. Hunter jolly dead. Jolly hare got clean away, Jolly good, I said.

Friday, 12 October 2012


I had to a debate on zoos in college. Here is my side of the debate that I wrote up. It is incredibly hard to ‘conserve’ a species in an artificial environment, especially as the artificial environment and the animals themselves were originally intended for human entertainment. The environment is rarely simultaneous to that of the species natural environment and that most successfully conservation projects occur only in a secluded section of the original natural habitat, or in countries where the climate is appropriate for the animal. It is also a fallacy that the majority of British zoos, let alone zoos worldwide, partake in conservation. Only around 5% of around 400 British zoos actually hold species that are endangered. It is estimated that only 3% of this 5% are actually involved in official breeding programmes. Of around 10,000 zoos worldwide, only around 500 or less of these zoos hold endangered species in their collections. Also, of the estimated 6,000 species that are classified as threatened or endangered only about 120 are in captive breeding programmes, and only 16 species have ever been returned to the wild with varying degrees of success.

Do you think that zoos are beneficial to the survival of endangered species?

No, as stated beforehand, there has been little to no success in conservation programmes based in zoos. Also, as conservation is a word that ultimately makes any paying customer think that a zoo is partaking in a selfless act, many zoos may claim to partake in such but actually don’t. Captive-bred animals often lack survival skills, especially those normally learned from a parent - finding food, avoiding predators, etc. Some reintroduction projects have had to be suspended indefinitely. Releases of captive animals also pose a significant disease threat to native populations. In some cases reintroductions have been cancelled after discovering viruses in captive-bred populations that were due to be released in areas where the virus was unknown; in others, native animals have died because of viruses spread by introduced animals. Zoos still take animals from the wild. Throughout the 1990s over 1,000 elephants were taken from the wild and sold to zoos and circuses, and over 70% of elephants in European zoos today were wild-caught. How can zoos help if they are indeed a part of the problem?

Do zoos consider the welfare of the animals during conservation efforts? 

As zoos are a predominately Victorian concept which merely consisted of “zoological gardens” in which the public could merely see animals of an exotic nature whilst not being in any danger themselves – the animals interests were not considered then. And as these zoological gardens were built in small areas with little room for expansion (i.e. London zoo) it is impossible for a lot of zoos to even begin to provide the space and enrichment needed to maintain healthy animals, let alone allow them to breed successfully. There have even been studies where the results have shown only 10% of the species studied had enclosure sizes similar to their minimum home range. 22% of all species in the study were kept in zoo enclosures on average 1,000 times smaller than their minimum home range. These include Asian elephant, chimpanzee, and giraffe and Californian sea lion. If we can’t even provide space adequate for the species, how are we expected to successfully maintain a breeding programme where the requirements of the offspring and parents are met fully?

Do you believe that zoos are beneficial to the public or do you think that zoos could operate in a more private manner?

 Overall, Zoos do not educate the public. They misinform the public about conservation and, as if that was not enough, they divert funds from actual conservation to waste on imprisoning sentient beings for the entertainment of the public- whilst animals remain endangered and are even driven to extinction. Despite their professed concern for animals, zoos remain more "collections" of interesting "items" than actual havens or simulated habitats. Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals in captivity, bored, cramped, lonely, and far from their natural homes.

Do you think that helping animals back from the brink of extinction is a good thing or do you think that we humans should allow nature to takes its course?

 With regards to animals whom have become endangered to human error (i.e. hunting species to an endangered status), we feel it is necessary for us to bring them back up to a steady population. However, this needs to be done sensibly and requires that all the needs are species are met to as much as possible. This includes not sticking them in a country with an environment and climate that greatly differs to their native environment and climate.

Do you think it is right that some zoos believe that euthanasia is the answer to surplus animals that are not endangered?

No, as euthanasia is not the answer. If you keep an animal in a captive environment you are responsible for any potential offspring that may occur. It is not fair on the offspring to have their lives taken away merely because the human chose to place their ancestors in a confined environment that cannot meet the needs of one member of the species, let alone several. If you are going to keep an animal that has the potential to breed, but you don’t have the space for the offspring or know of any potential homes for any offspring then you should make sure that the animal cannot breed. One small operation (spay/neuter) can protect potential suffering of hundreds to thousands of animals. In the past, British zoos have sold surplus animals to vivisection laboratories and exotic meat farms. Animals are now more likely to be sold into the pet trade, and British zoos buy and sell animals with wildlife dealers around the world. Would those who are really interested in the health and conservation of a species do this?

"Animals are killed in crop harvesting"...

This is a common excuse used by meat eaters to try and make vegans out to be hypocrites, or something like that...however what they fail to realise is:

- Crops harvested for humans are also harvested for animal consumption which humans then eat. - Animals; well the majority of; seem to have a sense of when danger is coming. They are usually the first to scarper when a Tsunami/Earthquake/Tornado is heading their way. Plus I'm sure it's pretty easy to notice a loud vibrating machine coming your way, be you animal or human!
 - Many crops; especially fruit and certain vegetables; are harvested by hand. And some farmers still harvest all their crops by hand.
 - There are plenty of devices to add to machines/vehicles to ward off wild animals, particularly this device called "Animal Lover" - http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/the-animal-lover-car-whistle. I personally know someone who has this.

 Original posting: http://purelyvegan.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=omnis&action=display&thread=650#ixzz297lERZkT

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Why I Hate The Army And It's Sympathisers

6 men died in blast in Afghanistan...cue "RIP", "They were brave heroes" etc.

Yet when Azhar Ahmed calls out the gross bias towards British soldier death by the media over those that the British soldiers kill he is vilified and charged by the police.

People who get offended by someone saying the truth plus their own thoughts that soldiers should die for doing atrocious acts need to grow a backbone. Having an opinion is not a criminal offence and if you get upset by it...click the little x button on your browser window.

As for soldiers being heroes. No, they are not and never will be. Pulling the trigger to end the life of ANYONE based on the silly belief that the opposition is a threat to your country. Just because you pull the trigger in another country, in a uniform, doesn't mean you are not guilty of murder.

Sympathising with paid murderers just makes you look foolish and a supporter of war and murder. These men and women do not deserve these elaborated send offs. They deserve a simple funeral service for close family and friends just like everyone else. That is all.

There is nothing heroic or brave about being a hired hitman for the government.