As the people who committed 9/11, 7/7, etc.
Yep. I was likened to people who make bombs and blow them up on busy subways or hijack planes into buildings!
Why was I likened to them, might you ask?
For the following posts:
"Agreed. I also think America deserved it for being the arrogant nation they are, invading and pillaging countries - no wonder these nations have organisations that are willing to bite back."
"You're on a forum with many who have misanthropic attitudes, what did you expect?
I too laughed when I saw the re run several years after, of the plane hitting the building. America deserved it. It only has itself to blame."
These two posts, simple in nature, ended up with the following:
"I hope you never have to lose a loved one from circumstances similar to that. I bet you think the people of London or Madrid deserved it too right?
Your almost as bad as the people that commited those atrocity's."
"I hope you never have to lose a loved one from circumstances similar to that. I bet you think the people of London or Madrid deserved it too right?
Your almost as bad as the people that commited those atrocity's."
To which I instantly replied:
"And I'm sure you think about all the ikle little children blown up by western bombs in the war preceeding it that actually was illegal.
Typical naysayer who doesn't understand what goes around, comes around. UK were just as guilty when they joined in the war on the invisible boogeyman. Sad that people don't understand that when you piss people off that much, they will bite back.
And saying I'm as bad as someone who physically blows themselves up? XD
That doesn't even make sense.
You are on the internet. You are on this forum. Stay in the non-agressor parts of this forum if you don't want to have your feelings hurt over what people say on the internet.
P.S. carry on being brainwashed by your media that there is a real threat to the West that wasn't the West's fault at all...keep believing every person that looks muslim like is a 'terrorist''ll be YOU who looks the paranoid one. Not those who can see why these things happen and why the media is pushed to keep the masses complicit to a lie...a scared nation is an easier one to control
So, lesson is, boys and girls; stop being so emotive over a decade old act of retaliation and use that brain you were born with to anoint logic and reason as to why these things happen. But I guess I am asking to much of the general public. After all. Their intelligence levels are quite atrocious. And yet they claim to be the smartest species on the planet? Pah! Make a reasoned debate without resorting to any fallacies and be vegan, then maybe, just maybe, I might consider you one of the elite few who has mastered the ability to use more than one brain cell at a time.
I will edit this blog post if I get any more replies to the last iteration I post above (as highlighted by the light grey).