Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Idiots on comment sections...

Silly Man!
Next I guess he will organise a protection zone for those dear little Foxes who not only attack people but more importantly chickens, which after a visit from a fox leaves the carcase's in a terrible mess and those that survive in a pretty poor way both physicaly and mentally.
These do gooders need to bog off and leave the country life to those who actually understand it.
Yes, you care about the chickens so much, you don't mind them being raised to be killed so you can have kfc, or an omelette or two. Faux caring in the name of vilifying an animal is disturbing. Again, foxes get the blame for farmers who lack the ability to keep their chickens in secure fox proof pens. But that surpassed your lack of ability to think past your own arrogance, right?
Farmers think only of money and do not care what suffering their 'stock' gets. If they understood the countryside, they'd let foxes alone as foxes control rabbit and rodent populations, who in turn annoy vegetable farmers. But alas, humans insist on playing god and in turn messing up ecosystems to the point of no repair. And people wonder why the world is going to pot? Because of HUMANS. We are an arrogant, vile species who destroy anything in our path that we don't like. We are the ones who should be culled, not badgers, foxes, or any other non-human animal.
Typical silly, blinkered and hysterical view, which turns people away from the vital work being done on animal welfare.
Farmers understand one thing better than anyone, and that is how to raise and tend healthy animals, vital for the feeding of the ever expanding human species. In the same way that arable and vegetable farmers can be trusted to raise healthy produce at the best price for a hungry nation, so can livestock farmers.
If as you believe they are only in it for the cash, tell me how an animal that has been poorly treated, or becomes sick or dies having been purchased, fed, watered and tended for part of it's life will help the farmer turn a profit. It is in his best interest to have all his stock as healthy and happy as possible.
Maybe Dr May would welcome my input on coiffure, electric guitaring and noise abatement, I am sure he would be very open to my ideas.
Never been to a battery farm, have you? Or Factory farm. People want cheap meat, they'll get it. Cheap eggs, cheap milk, etc, they'll get it. Did the latest horse fiasco teach you nothing? No, cus clearly you've been brainwashed by the farming elite into thinking they actually give a damn about the animals they have cooped up in tiny sheds, pumped full of hormones and encouraged to provide more than their body could handle. - watch that and then come tell us farmers 'care'. Every farmer I've met cares jack all about the animals they raise. They speak of them only as commodities and not living, thinking beings who deserve to live a fulfilling life free from pain, suffering, neglect and to die naturally, not upside down in some grubby slaughterhouse with blood sliding down their face from the hastily cut aorta. 
Brian, stick to playing music, you are good at that, leave farming issues to farmers, I am sure they prefer your music much more than your animal husbandry knowledge.
(Edited by a moderator)

Is that why the farmers regularly break the five freedoms and don't want to vaccinate their cows? I know more about animal welfare than any farmer, and I live in a town. Why do I know this? Because I don't see animals as cash machines like farmers do. Especially dairy farmers who are some of the worst for animal abuse. Taking a baby from it's mother within 24hrs of birth is barbaric and causes so much stress and anguish for both baby and mother. Anyone who supports that and the other horrible abuses in the dairy industry should be ashamed of themselves.
Nutter alert!
If caring about our wildlife is nutty, then I'm glad to be alongside other so called 'nutters'. Or perhaps you could enlighten us with a proper argument rather than resorting to ad hominems? No? Thought not, as pro-animal killers tend not to use logic or intelligence much. More a caveman mentality of 'see animal-must kill'. 
I'm sure Brian means well and has named the true culprit of the disease as DAIRY FARMERS but experimenting with vaccines?? You might as well shoot all the badgers as use them as vivisection 'guinea pigs' . Doesn't he know that cattle are already 'vaccinated'? Doesn't he know that TB is not a disease one can become immune from or they would have had a vaccine for it in humans already. It is a disease of malnutrition and poverty!! He needs to do some research into this before lining the already stuffed pockets of Big Pharma who incidentally are also culprits in disease in cattle. (Antibiotics anyone?)
You contradicted yourself by saying cattle are vaccinated but it's a disease that can't be vaccinated against. 
Did you not get your TB jab in school? That was a vaccination. Maybe you should do some research before making claims such as there is no vaccination for TB.
My main comment:
It's called better welfare, but then, dairy farmers don't know much about how to do that, do they? After all, they take calves away from mothers after 24hrs and either shoot the males on site or ship them off for veal to die within a few months time. Then he denies the females their entitled milk and keeps them away from their mothers. If that's not an abuse of some of the five freedoms then I don't know what is.
Farmers need to put up and shut up. They only have themselves to blame. Vaccinate your cows, look after them properly, or don't bother farming at all and stop complaining. The latter is preferable. We don't need murdered cows as well as murdered wildlife.

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