Wednesday 30 December 2009


Gotta love omnivores, and even some veg*ns (the shorthand for 'vegetarians and vegans' for those who do not know) who scream bloody murder when a vegan acts like they're better than they are...well, guess what, we don't think we are, we know we are (to coin a cool ass sticker I saw).

Just as you lovely omnivorous beings think you are better than the beings you consume - why else would you feel ok with consuming their flesh and secretions? People don't normally kill and consume beings they consider equals (see: humans, dogs, cats, other domesticated animal companions we place above other species). Hell, it may even be subconscious thought, but it's still there.

You can call us arrogant all you like, but just as we are supposedly arrogant, we are no different from the omnivore placing animals below themselves to the non rapist placing the rapist below themselves and so on. We ALL think we are better than someone or something, at the end of the day. That's why we frown upon certain acts and do not do said acts ourselves. So, until you can safely say you have no prejudices against any other animals, or humans what so ever, kindly take your "zomg you're so arrogant/holier than thou" rants elsewhere please.

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