That said, I am looking into getting an 'ab trimmer'/'tummy trimmer' since exercise bikes don't focus on the upper area, more the legs. Plus I remember using my parents as a child, fun times.
This is an 'ab trimmer', btw:
However, they're so damn expensive, although not as expensive as punch bags which is also what I'm looking into...the ab trimmer I want has the computer thing on that measures pumps and that and is £25...I can just about justify that, I think? But all the decent punch bags (with gloves) are like in the £50+ range :(. And no doubt made of leather ¬_¬. So if anyone reading this knows where to get cheap, 'vegan' punch bags, feel free to link it in the comments section.
Why I want to lose weight and 'get fit'...I have low self esteem. That's one reason. I want more energy to do things, that's another reason. I also want to feel attractive for my fiance. It's all well and good him saying I'm beautiful etc, but I certainly don't feel it. So yeah, that's the update so far on that thing.
Onto my next topic: Love. Pretty much one of the very few humans I have feelings for is my fiance. He means the world to me. He understands most of my depression and has had depression himself. He was there for me when I was in hospital with chest pains and has been there for me when I needed him most. I love him so much....*sigh*, even bought him more valentines presents today, but can't say as it's a secret :)
Anywho, just wanted to say how much I love him and I can't wait to say 'I do'.
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