Friday 1 January 2010

Preaching to the choir...or there abouts...

Why do some vegans insist on preaching to other vegans about the tiniest details?

I'd understand if the vegan being preached to one was one of those pretend vegans who eat honey but claim to be vegan and all the other ones like that, but to preach to other vegans about things that don't automatically come with being vegan?

I.e. although I touched on this in my 2nd blog post, the telling of myself, by some other vegans, that I cannot take credit for converting people. £*$*%

I.e. #2. Vegans preaching to me to feed my companion cats and dog veg*n when they have no clue about my monetary situation or my social situation. For the record, I am on benefits, I'm not afraid to admit that. The reason for my benefits is because I have anxiety and depression disorder or something along those lines.

Any who, enough about the reason why I'm on it. The fact is I'm on it, and I get a set amount of money per fortnight. This gets spent mostly on my companion animals and food for when my fiance is with me. I also have a set donation sent to dogs trust per month as I sponsor two dogs. Then I give money to the sanctuary I volunteer at. It all mounts up people !

But anyways, the cost of caring for companion animals is quite high, especially when you have four cats who could shit for Britain ¬_¬. The amount of cat litter they get through is ridiculous. I've tried buying the 10kg bags...I'm lucky if they last me two weeks, if that. Then there's the obvious food which consists of dried and wet as they have dried ad lib and wet evening/morning, toys (*coughyesIspoilthemahem*), flea collars (which many have gone missing from their necks...I reckon they trade em for catnip or something with the local cat drug dealer...)and all the other fun stuff, like vet bills that comes in tow with companion animals. And then of course I have to pay for the dogs food and vet bills etc too. And this example has gone on quite long O_O.

To put it in short; I cannot afford to make my companion cats and dogs veg*n, nor do I have the knowledge to either. Plus, I personally have no qualms with feeding an animal it's naturally intended diet (carnivorous/omnivorous). Apparently it makes you less of a vegan for 'supporting the meat industry' via pet food even though the meat industry would do just fine without the pet industry. But sod it. I'm not here to please other vegans by being perfect, I'm here to do what I can for animals in my situation. So yeah...if someone tells you you're not being 'vegan' enough, just tell 'em you're doing the best you can, or if they still go on at you after that, just tell 'em to stick a piece of tofu in their pipe hole before you do it for them.

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