Friday, 1 January 2010

Why I hate Anti Abortionists

The rights of a few cells should never over-ride the rights of a human. Otherwise we'd be unjustified in killing bacteria via medicinal applications. An unborn child cannot suffer to the extent that a fully functional female human can in a variety of circumstances. Also, said unborn child is essentially a part of the woman so she is justified to take what ever action she deems fit from the moment of conception, accidental or not.

That said, those who claim the child should be put up for adoption fail to notice how many children already need homes (just like the pet overpopulation problem). Putting a child up for adoption is only adding to that problem, not taking away from it.

The following things can occur due to pregnancy and child birth/raising a child:

- Death
- Illness
- Mental illness/depression
- Debt
- Break ups
- Violence within a relationship (some males don't like their g/fs getting pregnant and will resort to violence to get rid of it if she does not abort)
- Miscarriages
- Still births
- The child could become depressed due to awful life for whatever reason

and much much more. Why risk all this at the expense of a few cells? It's pure madness. And anti abortionists are never willing to pick up the pieces once the baby is born. All they care about is the rights of the unborn child. Once it's born they could care less.

That said, humans suck so the less in the world, the better ;)


  1. Fair enough, everyone should have a say if they don't want their unborn chlid, whatever the reason may be. The argument becomes more delicate when discussing at what term the foetus may be aborted, when is a foetus a baby in the womb? I suppose that can be debated endlessly and never reach a resolution but I do think that anyone who doesn't think a raped woman should get rid of a baby bought on by that rape has some serious issues they should deal with.

    We all have rights. Even anti-abortonists but they shouldn't push their extreme pro life ideas on everyone because its a small step from antiabortionist to fascism the way some of them go on about it.

    (sigh)....rant over :)

  2. Loves it. Loves the whole blog. Keep it up.

  3. My thoughts exactly. What I hate most is the argument always used by anti-abortionists,(I refuse to call them "pro-life" because they're anything but well at least not for those who have already left the womb, including actual babies) "it's not the 'baby's' fault she was raped". Oh so it's her fault then is it? "The 'baby' shouldn't be killed because the father is a horrible person" but the woman should suffer the pain and humiliation for the rest of her life, should she? Because her rapist was a horrible person? These religious people make me sick. They don't give a damn about actual human beings, it's all about punishing the women for perceived wrongs and not about "preserving life". They very cunningly manage to deceive people by putting on a show and mask of "holiness" and pretending that really they care about the women, that they're trying to save them from a lifetime of guilt and trauma. Bullshit! They just want to make them suffer as much as possible. It's their own fault you see for being independant and making their own decisions about their sex life. They're not controlled and dominated like the other good little women are by men and religion and these misogynistic idiots can't stand it! Then when a mistake happens(which can happen to anyone) or even worse you are a victim of violence, they can sit back and gloat and take sanctimonious pleasure in your downfall and judge you for taking the "easy" option. Which if you know anything about abortion you would know it's not an easy procedure from the moment you walk into the clinic to the moment you sleep at night but of course if you know it was the right decision and weren't pressured or coerced you don't regret it. At the time it's just your hormones adjusting from pregnant to not pregnant. Sorry for my rant but these fascists wind me up!

  4. P.S. I know it's naughty but I wish I had the power to wipe out those embryo and foetus worshipping pests. Those who care more about under developed organs that hasn't even developed into a baby girl or boy yet. Those who care more about something that can't feel pain over somebody who can and that includes actual babies.
