Wednesday 19 January 2011

A person IS NOT a vegan when...

...they spout the following nonsense.

Rabbits, foxes, deer, etc should be culled due to overpopulation.

Animal testing is fine and necessary.

"Im sure you can get youre meat butchered for you,but why not try to learn how to do it yourself?
start with something small like rabbits or birds

fish are easy to catch and gut" - actually recommending someone to kill an animal! wow!

"bit expensive,i usually just use cream cheese when a recipe calls for it" in a thread about an italian cheese...vegan my butt. Vegans don't eat cheese.

Oh, and here's the kicker:

"the vegetarian activists that rob graves and have violent and disruptive demos" is what she says is PETA.

Lmao. This person claims to have been vegan (ethical) since 9 yrs old. And claims 6 years being vegan is 'recent'. Funny, I don't know any ethical vegans who support animal testing or the unnecessary killing of wildlife. Nor have I met a vegan who DOESN'T know who or what PETA is.

Firstly, arran_m (the so called vegan for 9 yrs), PETA is in no way affiliated with grave robbing. The robbing of the grave in the Guinea Pig Farm protesting was done by ARM (Animal Rights Militia). Who are nothing like PETA - especially UK PETA.

PETA don't do 'violent demos'. Try actually looking at video clips and images of their demos. What's so violent about standing around with placcards and wearing chicken costumes?

This person has an extremely warped sense of what veganism is about and what related vegan/vegetarian groups are or do.

You, my dear, are not a vegan. The day you are vegan is the day I become the pope.

Oh, and I need to point out for the umpteenth time. Never been on a PETA demo, especially as PETA aren't big in the UK, nor do I totally support them or totally disagree with them. Stop tarring every veg*n with being a 'member' or supporter of PETA. It makes you look an idiot.

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